Birthdays, anniversaries, sympathy or just because, there is never a wrong time to send someone flowers.

Free Pick up from the farm is available most days of the week. Delivery can be added on.

Deliveries are primarily done ON MONDAY’S but custom delivery times can be arranged with enough advanced notice.

Please allow us a minimum 48 hours notice for custom arrangements

Available Delivery to North Sacramento neighborhoods including; Rio Linda, Natomas, Antelope, North Highlands, Citrus Heights, Downtown Sacramento, Land Park, Tahoe Park, East Sac, and Roseville.


Below are examples of our starting prices and size options. Please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

Farmer’s Choice Paper Wrapped Bouquet

Farm Pick up Only Starting at $40

Our freshest seasonal cut flowers creatively designed into a stunning hand held bouquet wrapped in compostable kraft paper. Contains approximately 20 stems of flowers, texture and foliage.

Because of the unpredictability of delivering and recipients being home, this option is only available for farm pick up because it does not include a vase.

Farmer’s Choice Small Arrangement

Starting at $85

A sweet and simple assortment of locally grown farmers choice of blooms arranged into a vase and delivered to your loved one. Contains approximately 20 stems of our best flowers, foliage and texture.

Just perfect enough for saying “I’m thinking of you.”

Farmer’s choice Medium Arrangement

Starting at $125

A lush bouquet of freshly harvested shows topping flowers delicately arranged into a large statement piece. Contains approximately 30 stems of farm fresh flowers, texture and foliage.

For when you need to say “I LOVE YOU!”

Farmer’s choice Large Arrangement

Starting at $175

A deluxe size vase arrangement of premium blooms picked fresh from the farm. Filled with our biggest and best flowers, this option makes a statement. Contains approximately 45 stems of flowers, unique texture and foliage.

For when you want to make a statement and fill up a whole table with gorgeous flowers!